This outfit is so, so messy. I love cats, but that bag so does not fit the look. Nor does the hideous orange wig! And the tights are way overpriced. The green pieces are all pretty cute and functional outside of Halloween though which is nice, even if they're not very couture. (7/10)
Snake dress is gorgeous, but holy hell 35sd!? And the coffin bag so doesn't go, though it is cute. (7/10)
It's a pumpkin bag - not really couture but at least it's unique? The mummy dress is... well, I kinda wish it came in a Dress and Bodysuit, because all in one is a bit much. But then again, separates would cost even more, and it's already past what I'd care to pay. The jacket is a cool idea, but the lines are too thin so just look messy zoomed out(6.75/10)
We already have a bajilion nude, side slid skirts, and this one is painfully flat looking. We've got similar bodysuits in Underneath,the gloves are generic, and the accessories definitely don't go with this outfit, or even each other! That bucket hat is such a joke. (3.5/10)
Yay, menswear! Boo, being plain white and lacking pretty much any kind of creativity, let alone being couture. (4/10)
Is that... pajamas? The shirt at least has a unique sleeve and collar, the pants are just sad re-printed versions of something else. It's definitely not Couture! The witch hat doesn't fit over wig, and the bag is just a basic tote that could have been done in stardesign. (5/10)
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